Urethane Blog

Acoustic Foam for Tires

September 9, 2024

Henkel and 4JET revolutionize silent tire production for EVs

Web TeamBy Web TeamSeptember 5, 20242 Mins Read

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L-R: Dr. Armin Kraus, co-CEO at 4JET, Imke Vogel, Market Segment Head Automotive Components Europe at Henkel, Dr. Jan Flohre, Head of Laser Process Development at 4JET and Dr. Rainer Schönfeld, Global Market Strategy Head Automotive Components at Henkel.

As EVs lack engine noise, tire rolling sound becomes more noticeable, often perceived as intrusive and unpleasant. To combat this, manufacturers have been equipping EVs with “Silent Tires,” featuring acoustic polyurethane foam linings. However, this solution has presented logistical and cost challenges, increasing tire production expenses by up to 25%.

The new Laser-Fit process, developed by Henkel and 4JET, promises to streamline production and reduce costs. This method involves creating acoustic foam directly inside the tire from liquid materials at the end of the production line, eliminating complex logistics and manual steps.

“Our new to market Loctite Laser-Fit acoustic foam achieves its sound absorption effect through a large inner surface and a pore design specifically tailored for tire noise suppression,” said Dr. Rainer Schönfeld, Global Market Strategy Head in Henkel’s Automotive Component business unit.

The process utilizes a patented laser activation technique to remove the foam’s air-impermeable skin, allowing for effective sound absorption. This innovation not only simplifies production but also offers manufacturers greater flexibility in foam design and reduces waste.

“This revolutionary direct-foam-to-tire technology represents our joint commitment to innovation and sustainability,” said George Kazantzis, Global Head of Henkel’s Automotive Components business unit. “By eliminating the transportation of pre-fabricated foam and reducing cutting waste, we will enable our customers to lower their carbon footprint.”

The partners developed this technology in record time, showcasing the innovative strength of German SMEs. Dr. Armin Kraus, co-CEO of the 4JET Group, praised the collaboration: “In Henkel, we have found the ideal development partner for this innovation… From the idea to the finished application in record time.”

The complete solution will be presented at RubberTech24 in Shanghai this month, marking, the companies hope, a significant advancement in EV tire technology.


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