Urethane Blog

Bedding Outlook for 2019

December 12, 2018

2019 Bedding Outlook

2019 colorful banner stock photo croppedMattress industry leaders discuss dynamic forces currently affecting sleep products makers, as well as their expectations and strategies for the coming year

What does the year ahead hold for the mattress industry? BedTimes talked to a range of industry leaders to get their take on the current state of the bedding business and U.S. economy, as well as their predictions for the trends that will influence their business decisions and shape the competitive landscape in 2019.

Overall, these manufacturers and suppliers agree that the industry is in a state of flux, as companies navigate shifting retail models and shopper expectations. Most are excited about the opportunities these changes present to the bedding business and look forward to meeting the needs of tomorrow’s consumers. It helps, they say, that the economy is strong, and, despite some headwinds, they expect the economy to remain robust into next year.

Read on for their assessments and forecasts, in their own words. (Some comments have been lightly edited for clarity and length.)

Read more here:  https://bedtimesmagazine.com/2018/12/2019-bedding-outlook/