Urethane Blog

Carpenter Update

March 10, 2021

March 8, 2021 

Force Majeure Update 

Dear Valued Carpenter Customer: 

As of today, Carpenter’s polyol production facility remains shut-down from a production standpoint, though we have regained access to vital resources and services such as nitrogen, steam and wastewater treatment. While raw materials are not yet available to resume normal manufacturing activities, we have been conducting time consuming inspections of our reactors and associated piping, storage and safety equipment, as well as pressure and temperature cycling the various components to ensure they are safe to return to use. We expect these tasks to last for the next several weeks, which will result in a step-wise progression to resuming full manufacturing activities once raw materials become available. 

Based on our current information, we expect to resume significant manufacturing operations during the week of March 29. If this timing holds, commercial operations will resume the week of April 12, at a monthly sales volume allocation of 20% for all Carpol® and Nionic TM products purchased. We will begin accepting orders for April shipments on March 29th, according to the allocated amounts (orders prior to that date will not be accepted).

It is possible there will be further delays to this timeline and we will be providing a weekly update. 

If you have a confirmed order with us, we will contact you to schedule pickup or delivery as soon as possible. 

Please contact your account manager if you have any specific questions. We apologize for the lengthy delay and thank you for your patience and support.