Urethane Blog

Chinese Free Trade Agreements

July 20, 2015

Increasing Chinese PU Raw Materials Enjoying Zero Tariff under FTA
2015-07-16    [Source:PUdaily]

PUdaily, Shanghai-Currently, China has 19 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs for short) under construction, among which 14 Agreements have been signed and implemented already. The Chinese Government deems FTAs as a new platform to further opening up to the outside and speeding up domestic reforms, an effective approach to integrate into global economy and strengthen economic cooperation with other countries, as well as a significant supplement to the multilateral trading system.

According to this, PUdaily is publishing an issue of Mini Feature at Wechat on July 16 on FTAs China has signed with other countries around the world, which has profoundly impacted tariffs of PU raw materials, including TDI, MMDI, PMDI, PO, PPG, AA, BDO, THF, PTMEG and HDI.

By 2015, some PU raw materials mentioned before have fully enjoyed zero tariff on FTAs, like China-ASEAN FTA, whilst others have still been restricted by tough tariff and will enjoy zero tariff in the near future, such as China-South Korea FTA. Moreover, there are still some FTAs under negotiation and consideration, like China-Norway FTA.

PUdaily Mini Feature includes:
 China-New Zealand, Pakistan FTA
 China-Peru, Costa Rica, Chile FTA
 China-Switzerland, Iceland FTA
 China-Australia, South Korea FTA yet to take effect
 FTAs under negotiation and consideration
