Urethane Blog

Deindustrialization Concerns

April 16, 2023

Business deindustrialization

Covestro boss calls for master plan for Germany

As of: 12:59 a.m | Reading time: 2 minutes

“The federal government loses itself in regulation mania,” says Covestro boss Steilemann
Quelle: Getty Images

High energy prices are a burden for chemical companies. Covestro boss Markus Steilemann, who is also president of the chemical industry, sees the industry as being unduly burdened. He is worried about job cuts in the manufacturing industry.

Dhe boss of the chemical company Covestro, Markus Steilemann, warns of Germany’s economic decline. “De-industrialization has already started,” Steilemann told WELT AM SONNTAG in an interview.

Steilemann, who is also President of the industry association VCI, cited the high energy prices as the main reason. “We need a master plan for Germany, and we need it urgently,” he demands. As a possible measure, Steilemann named a cheaper electricity price for industry.

Germany is still a leader in many research fields such as biotechnology. “But we are in the process of losing this lead to the USA, Great Britain and China.” The main culprits are the high energy prices, but also a real “law tsunami” with which the government is really slowing down companies.

There is no way around the government’s planned conversion to a climate-neutral future. “But instead of setting the right incentives for a country that is poor in raw materials but hungry for energy, the federal government loses itself in regulation mania,” says Steilemann.

At the same time, the industry is being unduly burdened by electricity prices, which are very high by international standards. “This puts Germany’s business model, as one of the leading export nations, at risk. There are already first signs: I’m watching with concern how massive jobs are currently being cut in Germany – and not just in the manufacturing industry,” he said.

Despite the difficult outlook this year, the CEO ruled out redundancies for Covestro: “Since we have made long-term provisions, we don’t need any quick-fix measures. I have made it clear that we will rule out redundancies for operational reasons, and that’s how it’s going to stay.”