Urethane Blog

Dual Control System

September 27, 2021

China says to firmly control energy-hungry and high-emission projects CGTN


China’s National Development and Reform Commission issues a plan to improve the country’s “dual control system” on energy consumption and energy intensity, September 11, 2021. /CFP

China will firmly control energy-hungry and high-emission projects, the National Development and Reform Commission said in a recently issued plan, according to a notice released on Thursday. 

The plan aims to improve China’s “dual control system” on energy consumption and energy intensity, or the amount of energy consumed per unit of GDP. 

The dual control system, first set in the country’s 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010), has taken on added significance since Chinese President Xi Jinping in September 2020 committed the country to peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and becoming carbon neutral by 2060. 

According to the plan, China will set a five-year target of energy consumption and energy intensity for different provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, in an effort to reasonably manage indicators of total energy consumption and energy intensity.

The plan also clarified a series of phased goals of China.

By 2025, the dual control system will be more complete, with a more reasonable allocation of energy resources and sharply improved energy utilization efficiency. 

By 2030, with a further improved dual control system, the intensity of energy consumption will continue to drop significantly, the total energy consumption be reasonably controlled and the energy structure be more optimized. 

By 2035, the optimal allocation of energy and the comprehensive conservation system of resources will be more mature and finalized, which will strongly support the achievement of the goal of steadily reducing carbon emissions after reaching the peak.
