Urethane Blog

Kumho Safety Push

July 30, 2018

Kumho Petrochemical bolsters safety, environmental measures

Posted : 2018-07-30 08:43
Updated : 2018-07-30 08:43
A Kumho Petrochemical employee checks a company plant in Yeosu, South Jeolla Province. / Courtesy of Kumho Petrochemical

Kumho Petrochemical is bolstering safety and environmental measures across its plants, in a pre-emptive move to respond to strengthening regulations.

According to the company on Sunday, it has been operating a chemicals management system at its plants since 2016, which is an upgraded version of previous schemes for managing chemicals.

Compounds including butadiene and styrene monomer, which are used for producing synthetic rubber and resins, are registered, reviewed and monitored in real time.

To cope with amendments in chemicals regulations, the company said it is pre-registering new chemical compounds and improving facilities to can handle new compounds.

“As environmental and safety regulations are expected to enhanced, Kumho Petrochemical is considering introducing stronger safety measures,” the company said in a statement. “The company will expand such measures to our chemical affiliates.”

Along with the plant-wide safety measures, the CEO has been holding a meeting on the environment and safety twice a year since 2008 so the company’s executives can review their safety status and reflect on changes in regulations and policies.

In the meeting in the first half of this year, the participants discussed accidents that can take place even in the office and ways to improve safety management through cooperation with partner companies.

“Along with systematic measures, Kumho Petrochemical is conducting safety training for its employees and planning to introduce advanced safety training curriculum,” a Kumho Petrochemical official said.

Following efforts for safety and environment, Kumho Mitsui Chemicals, an affiliate producing methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI), awarded as a green company by the Ministry of Environment in June. MDI is used for manufacturing polyurethane.

Kumho Mitsui Chemicals said it was acknowledged for its efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions by declining power and steam usage with improved facilities. Also, its MDI products were appraised for replacing harmful materials such as Freon and formalin, the company said.

“Kumho Mitsui Chemicals employees are also active in participating in corporate social responsibility activities, including the Yeosu Industrial Complex cleanup,” the official said.
