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October 16, 2020

Airline Crew Spots ‘Guy In Jetpack’ Flying 6,000 Feet Over LAX In 2nd ‘Dangerous’ Incident

Probably available in those catalogues that compete with the airline magazines for reading during flights, or used to.

by Tyler Durden Thu, 10/15/2020 – 16:40

Another bizarre jetpack incident outside Los Angeles International Airport has left eyewitnesses and authorities scratching their heads. Recall that an initial mysterious incident over a month ago made headlines after a man soaring through the air via jetpack was seen an alarming mere 300 yards away from an American Airlines flight.

While the FBI is still investigating that first sighting, another incident occurred Wednesday, the Federal Aviation Administration has confirmed. This new spotting occurred at about 1:45pm Wednesday, with “someone in a jet pack” was seen flying near a China Airlines flight at about 6,000 feet altitude, and seven miles northwest of LAX.

Jetpack illustrative file image, via Air Live

The flight crew alerted the tower to the new sighting, which once again has spurred speculation over if it’s the same individual, or perhaps a copycat. 

An official FAA statement confirmed that “A China Airlines crew reported seeing what appeared to be someone in a jet pack at an approximate altitude of 6,000 feet, about seven miles northwest of Los Angeles International Airport.” Needless to say that’s an incredibly high altitude for what remains largely an experimental technology.

“The FAA alerted local law enforcement and will look into the report,” it added.

ABC News was quick to air audio of the urgent air traffic control call on Wednesday: “Flying object? Was it a UAV or or was it a jet pack?” someone is heard saying on the call. Air traffic control can also be heard notifying a nearby aircraft:

“There was a jet pack reported about seven miles west of you. There’s no way you can go and check that out can you?”

Aviation authorities are emphasizing that it remains illegal and highly dangerous to operate a jetpack in commercial airline space.

Possibly aiding the FBI and FAA investigation is that there’s likely only a handful of operable jetpacks in the world, especially ones capable of reaching 6,000 feet, which would have to be advanced, well tested, with the flyer having vast experience.

After all, this is not something that can be picked up at a local electronics store.

Again, this narrows things down to what must be a tiny handful of elite operators who own and are experienced with such equipment.

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