Urethane Blog

PFA Elects New Officers

December 6, 2023

Polyurethane Foam Association Elects New Officers, Names
Additions To Executive Committee for 2024

Philipe Knaub Takes Reins As President

LOUDON, TN (December 5, 2023)—The Polyurethane Foam Association (PFA) has named its
officers and Executive Committee for 2024. The slate of officers and committee members was
approved by attendees at the General Business Meeting on November 2, 2023 in Toronto.

Officers include:

 Philippe Knaub, FXI, President
 Rob Heller, Future Foam, 1st Vice President
 Cam McLaughlin, Elite Comfort Solutions, 2nd Vice President
 Hamdy Khalil, The Woodbridge Group, Treasurer
 Bill Gollnitz, Immediate Past President.

Additional PFA Executive Committee members include:
 Frank Donato of VPC
 Karl Gust, BASF
 Scott Skolnekovich, Covestro
 Susan Kilpatrick, Evonik
 Rob Einterz, Monument Chemical
 Robert Smith, Wanhua
 Barry Gabelman, Chemfoam.

Knaub takes over the presidency from Chip Holton of NCFI Polyurethanes, who had served in
the position since 2015.

Knaub is Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of FXI, a
position he has held since 2016. He supervises all research and development projects, reporting
to the company’s Chief Executive Officer. He is accountable for all aspects of R&D and product

development, including project portfolio management, discovery, scale ups and
commercialization of new polyurethane foams.

Knaub earned a Ph.D. in Polymer Science from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de
Lyon. He holds multiple patents in polyol composition.
“PFA is a vital organization in the flexible polyurethane foam industry,” Knaub said. “I look
forward to working with my colleagues in the industry to further PFA’s programs in advocacy
and education.”

The Polyurethane Foam Association is a trade association founded in 1980 to help educate foam
users, allied industries and other stakeholders. PFA provides facts on environmental, health and
safety issues and technical information on the performance of flexible polyurethane foam (FPF)
in consumer and industrial products. FPF is used as a key comfort component in most
upholstered furniture and mattress products, along with automotive seating, carpet cushion,
packaging, and numerous other applications.

To learn more, visit www.pfa.org.