Urethane Blog

PFA Fall Meeting Highlights

November 15, 2021

Polyurethane Foam Association Fall Meeting Provides Forum For
Issues Discussion, Technical Advances

Edge-Sweets Company and James T. McIntyre, Jr. Inducted Into The Flexible Polyurethane
Foam Hall Of Fame

CHARLOTTE, NC (November 12, 2021)—The Polyurethane
Foam Association (PFA) recently concluded its fall meeting,
which spotlighted key regulatory issues and new technical

PFA’s two-day meeting in early November was attended by
more than 130 executives from foam manufacturers, chemical
suppliers, and other companies supporting the industry. This
marked a return to a full live-meeting format after COVID-19
restrictions required PFA to cancel past meetings or conduct
them primarily online.

Attendees saw presentations on key industry issues including
supply chain challenges, recycling, regulations, and end-user
market forecasting.

Keynote speakers, identical twins Terrence and Lee Resnick of
Resnick Associates, provided attendees with financial advice on
company succession issues and potential tax law changes.
In addition, a Technical Program featured presentations on
innovations and best practices on topics ranging from new mold
release agents and additives to reduce foam compression set, to
plant safety, new equipment, and new additives for improved
foam production.

2021 Flexible Polyurethane Foam Hall
of Fame Inductees, James T. McIntyre
(top right), pictured with PFA President
Chip Holton of NCFI Polyurethanes;

and Edge-Sweets Company (ESCO).
Accepting for ESCO were President
Richard Hungerford, Jr.(holding award)
with (L to R) Kelo Waivio, Stephen
Hoffman, and John Slott.

Mark McBride and Willie Wesley III of BASF won the Dr. Herman Stone Technical Excellence
Award, as their presentation, “Recent Advances In Flexible Foam,” was voted best by those
attending the Technical Program. “After four decades in this industry, I am still impressed by the
level of innovation that continues in flexible polyurethane foam,” noted Bill Gollnitz, Past
President of PFA and Moderator for the Technical Program. “Congratulations to Mark and
Wesley—and to our other presenters—for exceptional work.”

As part of its 40 th Anniversary celebration, PFA also recognized one manufacturer and one
individual for induction into the Flexible Polyurethane Foam Hall Of Fame. The Hall of Fame
was established to honor the leaders and innovators of the industry. It serves as an information
source for future industry members and researchers regarding the contribution of individuals and
companies who have significantly contributed to the growth and betterment of the flexible
polyurethane foam industry in North America.

The two 2021 inductees were Edge-Sweets Company (ESCO) and James T. McIntyre, Jr.
ESCO produces highly specialized machines for cutting and processing polyurethane foams.
With its engineer-to-order approach, ESCO’s is unique in its abilities to meet customers’
requirements using modern manufacturing technologies, 3D modeling software and finite
element analysis. The company is the product of a merger between The Edge Company of Grand
Rapids, MI and the Martin Sweets Company of Louisville, KY.

The company has manufactured products for industries including furniture and upholstery,
bedding, packaging, industrial insulation, oil and gas, building and construction, automotive,
marine, medical, defense, mining, and aerospace.

“ESCO has long been a supporter of PFA and the flexible foam industry,” said Chip Holton of
NCFI Polyurethanes, PFA’s President. “ESCO’s efforts in innovation, customer service, and
education made the company a more-than-worthy candidate to join other great manufacturers in
the Flexible Polyurethane Foam Hall of Fame.”

James McIntyre, Jr. of the McIntyre & Lemon Law Firm in Washington, DC, has served as
PFA’s Legal Counsel from the beginning of the association. Prior to his private law practice, he
served in the Cabinet of President Jimmy Carter as the Director of the Office of Management and
Budget. He also served as Director of the Office of Planning and Budget for the State of Georgia.
President Reagan appointed him to his Commission on Privatization.

McIntyre has helped guide the flexible polyurethane foam industry through a variety of
regulatory challenges through his four decades of service, providing PFA members with
consistent, insightful legal representation. “It is safe to say that the flexible foam industry would
look a lot different today without the efforts of Jim McIntyre,” said Holton.

The Polyurethane Foam Association is a trade association founded in 1980 to help educate foam
users, allied industries and other stakeholders. PFA provides facts on environmental, health and
safety issues and technical information on the performance of FPF in consumer and industrial
products. FPF is used as a key comfort component in most upholstered furniture and mattress products, along with automotive seating, carpet cushion, packaging, and numerous other

