Urethane Blog

Wanhua Chemical 2022 Results

February 13, 2023

Wanhua Chemical Group: Net profit for 2022 about 16.239 billion yuan, down 34.12% YoY


13, February, 2023,16:20 GMT+8

NBD AI Bulletin – Wanhua Chemical Group Co Ltd (SH 600309, close price: 97.97 yuan) on February 13 briefed its annual results for 2022. Operating income for the year was about 165.565 billion yuan, showing an increase of 13.76% from a year ago. Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company was about 16.239 billion yuan, down 34.12% year on year. Basic earnings per share was 5.17 yuan, showing a 34.14% reduction.

Wanhua Chemical Group Co Ltd’s chairman is Liao Zengtai, male, 60 years old, with a master’s degree; The general manager is Kou Guangwu, male, 57 years old, with a master’s degree.

As at the press time, the market value of Wanhua Chemical Group Co Ltd was 307.6 billion yuan.

(By Lan Suying)
