Urethane Blog

Emery Oleochemicals New Product Launch

April 17, 2018

Emery Oleochemicals Launches a New Line of Aromatic-Containing
EMEROX ® Polyols
Offers improved low temperature insulation performance, improved blowing
agent management and sustainability.

CINCINNATI, OH, USA (April 16, 2018) – Emery Oleochemicals, a world-leading,
natural-based specialty chemicals producer, is pleased to announce the release of a
new line of aromatic-containing EMEROX ® Polyols for pentane blown rigid PUR and PIR
foam applications.

Key benefits for rigid foam formulators and end users include:

 Improved low temperature thermal conductivity (R Value) performance –
including both initial and aged thermal conductivity.

 Blowing agent management – improved performance with current and
emerging blowing agent options due to exceptional solubility of specific blowing
agents in these new aromatic-containing EMEROX Polyols.

 Superior environmental / sustainability characteristics – reduced pentane
usage, lower VOC emissions at the foam manufacturing site, and offers best-in-
class renewable content polyester polyols to the industry.

“The aromatic-containing EMEROX Polyols are unique and truly innovative as they
simultaneously address several specific rigid foam industry issues and desires. In this
instance, improved aged thermal conductivity specifically related to low temperature
performance, is significantly improved while also substantially increasing the use of high
bio-based renewable raw materials in the rigid foam insulation. With our EMEROX
Polyols, we have further improved the overall competitiveness of rigid foam in the
insulation marketplace,” said Joe Lynch, Eco-Friendly Polyols Business Manager for
Rigid Foam and CASE Applications.

The bio-based content of this new line of aromatic-containing EMEROX Polyols has
been certified and listed with the USDA BioPreferred ® Program. These aromatic-
containing EMEROX Polyols enable new market opportunities for rigid foam
manufacturers and end users in the form of differentiated products, improved low
temperature insulation, and green building applications.

“Bio-based products continue to improve and compete with petroleum-based products.
EMEROX Polyols have proven to perform as well as, or better than, conventional
polyols. As we continue to develop new polyols to meet market demand, we strive for
both performance and to achieve and support the objectives of the USDA BioPreferred

Emery Oleochemicals LLC, 4900 Este Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45232 USA ▪ T +1 513 762 2500
Program. We can both increase the adoption of bio-based products and meet the
performance requirement our customers are seeking.

“This new family of aromatic-containing EMEROX Polyols will be a paradigm shift for
those in the marketplace who do not currently equate bio-based with performance. We
are pleased to be able to offer these cutting-edge innovations that not only meet, but in
the case of low temperature thermal conductivity exceed, our customers’ performance
requirements,” stated Mark Kinkelaar, Eco-Friendly Polyols Global Business Director.

For more information about Emery Oleochemicals’ Eco-Friendly Polyols complete
product portfolio, visit www.emeryoleo.com/Eco_Friendly_Polyols.php.

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