Urethane Blog

PMA Concern on MOCA Tariffs

November 12, 2018

November 12, 2018




Dear PMA Member,

Over the past year, the United States has implemented tariffs on many items that are being imported and used in the manufacture of products. The latest listing of tariffs went in to effect in September and poses a 10% tariff now, and a 25% tariff beginning January 1, 2019.  Included in this list are several chemicals that will affect the hard cast polyurethane industry in the United States.  Most notably, MOCA (4,4′ methylene bis (2-chloroaniline)) is included on the list.  Over 85% of the world’s production of MOCA is in China and there is no United States based manufacturing operation for MOCA.  Left unchecked, this latest listing of tariffs will affect most all US manufacturers of hard cast polyurethane by creating an unfair competitive positon.

Please consider writing to your congress representative and your senators to express your concern for these tariffs and asking that they implement a process in order for the public to ask for an exclusion for certain products from tariffs.  This process has been in place for the first several listings of tariffs but is not in place for this last listing.

Below are two documents to download that we suggest you send to your leaders.  The first is a letter signed by 169 people in congress.  The second is a suggested letter that you tailor to your own company’s story and how the tariffs might affect you.  It would be most powerful if you would print the letter on your own company letterhead.  Lastly, please find the following links to be able to more easily find, and write to your representative and senators.

House Representative: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

Senate Representative: https://www.senate.gov/senators/index.htm

If your district has just elected a new Senator or Representative, please send a letter to BOTH the outgoing and incoming lawmakers.

Download Congressional Letter

Linda Katz
PMA President
