Urethane Blog

Chinese Adipic Acid Podcast

October 8, 2021

Asia ADA markets face supply uncertainty amid China’s dual control policy

Author: Jasmine Khoo


SINGAPORE (ICIS)–Asia’s adipic acid (ADA) markets face supply uncertainty amid operating rate cuts in China due to the dual control policy. Volatility in the feedstock benzene markets has also put pressure on ADA production. Firm pricing in the related methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) markets has also dented ADA buyers’ confidence. In the seasonal downstream lull, buyers have also remained on the sidelines due to a lack of buying urgency.

  • Feedstock benzene exerts pressure on ADA amid gains
  • Seasonal lull plagued cargo uptake in Asia in Q3
  • Asia MDI supply snug on planned maintenance

In this podcast, Jasmine Khoo speaks with editor Zhi Xuan Ho about recent developments in the Asian ADA market.

Click here to listen to the podcast


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