Pricing and Markets

November 15, 2018

Benzene Falls

US November benzene contracts fall to 13-month low

Source: ICIS News


HOUSTON (ICIS)–US benzene contracts for November settled 5 cents/gal ($15/tonne) lower at $2.80/gal FOB (free on board) US Gulf, marking the lowest settlement since October 2017.

The drop in contract prices followed a decline in spot pricing over the past month.  Spot prices trended lower throughout October on sluggish demand for downstream styrene as well as globally long inventory levels.

A slowdown in refinery operating rates during the traditionally slow season for gasoline demand may help ease global length in benzene supply, while expectations of ongoing sluggishness in styrene demand may limit benzene consumption.

Selective toluene disproportionation (STDP) units have been running at high rates on persistently strong demand for paraxylene (PX), while toluene disproportionation (TDP) units have been running at low rates as toluene has traded at a premium over benzene for seven of the past eight weeks.

US benzene contract prices typically settle on the last day of the preceding month and are heavily influenced by late month movements in spot prices.

Major US benzene producers include ExxonMobil, Flint Hills Resources, LyondellBasell, Marathon Petroleum, Shell and Phillips 66.

CFA41EB06D9468B53360934047C59DCC.jpgPictured: Benzene molecule
Picture source: Shutterstock

November 14, 2018

Propylene Dropping Double Digits in November

US November propylene contracts start settling 10 cents down on month

Houston — Some US November propylene contracts were settling 10 cents below the October contract prices, according to market participants early Wednesday.

The settlements, if accepted market wide, would take polymer-grade propylene contracts down to 50 cents/lb and chemical-grade contracts down to 48.50 cents/lb.

One propylene buyer said the market was not yet fully settled by a majority of the market, but expects a market-wide settlement by Thursday.

The reported declines for November were in line with market expectations heading into the month, which were attributed to increased production, growing inventory and a decline in propylene spot prices. US PGP spot prices early Wednesday were assessed at 46 cents/lb, down 10 cents month on month, which have lead to expectations of a 7-10 cent decline for the November propylene contract price. Prompt November PGP spot prices early Wednesday were at 46 cents/lb FD USG, down 10 cents month on month.

Meanwhile, the latest inventory data released by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) on November 7 had showed domestic propylene inventory had increased four consecutive weeks to 3.728 million barrels.

The increase in inventory was attributed to continued production at all three US propane dehydration units during the month.

November 14, 2018

Propylene Dropping Double Digits in November

US November propylene contracts start settling 10 cents down on month

Houston — Some US November propylene contracts were settling 10 cents below the October contract prices, according to market participants early Wednesday.

The settlements, if accepted market wide, would take polymer-grade propylene contracts down to 50 cents/lb and chemical-grade contracts down to 48.50 cents/lb.

One propylene buyer said the market was not yet fully settled by a majority of the market, but expects a market-wide settlement by Thursday.

The reported declines for November were in line with market expectations heading into the month, which were attributed to increased production, growing inventory and a decline in propylene spot prices. US PGP spot prices early Wednesday were assessed at 46 cents/lb, down 10 cents month on month, which have lead to expectations of a 7-10 cent decline for the November propylene contract price. Prompt November PGP spot prices early Wednesday were at 46 cents/lb FD USG, down 10 cents month on month.

Meanwhile, the latest inventory data released by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) on November 7 had showed domestic propylene inventory had increased four consecutive weeks to 3.728 million barrels.

The increase in inventory was attributed to continued production at all three US propane dehydration units during the month.

November 13, 2018

European Propylene Falls

MOSCOW (MRC)–The  Europe propylene contract price  was agreed down €10/tonne in November, however, practically all European producers announced a roll-over of October export polypropylene (PP) prices for November shipments to the CIS markets, according to ICIS-MRC Price report.

November 13, 2018

European Propylene Falls

MOSCOW (MRC)–The  Europe propylene contract price  was agreed down €10/tonne in November, however, practically all European producers announced a roll-over of October export polypropylene (PP) prices for November shipments to the CIS markets, according to ICIS-MRC Price report.