Pricing and Markets

November 5, 2018

Propylene Inventories Rise, Spot Prices Fall






November 5, 2018

Propylene Inventories Rise, Spot Prices Fall






October 31, 2018

Propylene Inventories Rise

US October propylene inventory hits multimonth high on increased production

Houston — A continued increase in domestic propylene production has pushed inventory up to levels not seen since March. US stockpiles of propylene for non-fuel use ended October with a third consecutive increase, according to data released by the Energy Information Administration Wednesday.

Stocks of propylene for non-fuel use were up by 432,000 barrels on the week at 3.223 million barrels for the week ended October 26, EIA data showed. It was the highest level of inventory since the week of March 9, when stockpiles were at 3.350 million barrels.

Last week’s inventory was also above 2.52 million barrels from the same time a year earlier.

US refinery run rates were also up, gaining 0.2% to 89.4% utilization. US propane dehydrogenation units have been operating for most of October, trade sources have said.

The higher production levels and growing inventory have pushed spot prices lower during the month as well. Prompt polymer-grade propylene spot prices were at 48.75 cents/lb FD USG early Wednesday, down from 52.50 cents/lb FD USG a week earlier.

–Brian Balboa,

–Edited by Pankti Mehta,

October 31, 2018

Propylene Inventories Rise

US October propylene inventory hits multimonth high on increased production

Houston — A continued increase in domestic propylene production has pushed inventory up to levels not seen since March. US stockpiles of propylene for non-fuel use ended October with a third consecutive increase, according to data released by the Energy Information Administration Wednesday.

Stocks of propylene for non-fuel use were up by 432,000 barrels on the week at 3.223 million barrels for the week ended October 26, EIA data showed. It was the highest level of inventory since the week of March 9, when stockpiles were at 3.350 million barrels.

Last week’s inventory was also above 2.52 million barrels from the same time a year earlier.

US refinery run rates were also up, gaining 0.2% to 89.4% utilization. US propane dehydrogenation units have been operating for most of October, trade sources have said.

The higher production levels and growing inventory have pushed spot prices lower during the month as well. Prompt polymer-grade propylene spot prices were at 48.75 cents/lb FD USG early Wednesday, down from 52.50 cents/lb FD USG a week earlier.

–Brian Balboa,

–Edited by Pankti Mehta,

October 29, 2018

Dow Announces Polyol Hike

October 29, 2018


Effective November 26, 2018, or as contracts allow, The Dow Chemical Company,
on behalf of itself and its applicable consolidated subsidiaries (“Dow”), will increase
off-list prices by the amounts listed below on all grades and package types of the
following Polyol products in North America:

VORANOL $0.07 / lb

VORALUX $0.07 / lb

SPECFLEX $0.07 / lb

Thank you for your continued business with Dow. Please contact your Account
Manager if you have any questions related to this communication.