The Urethane Blog

Everchem Updates


September 14, 2023

Everchem’s Closers Only Club

Everchem’s exclusive Closers Only Club is reserved for only the highest caliber brass-baller salesmen in the chemical industry. Watch the hype video and be introduced to the top of the league: read more

November 29, 2021

More on BorsodChem FM

MDI: BorsodChem erklärt Force Majeure in Ungarn


Anlagen im ungarischen Kazincbarcika (Foto: BorsodChem)Anlagen im ungarischen Kazincbarcika (Foto: BorsodChem)

Offenbar hat der Isocyanat-Produzent BorsodChem (Kazincbarcika / Ungarn) größere Schwierigkeiten mit der MDI-Erzeugung am ungarischen Standort Kazincbarcika. Das Unternehmen bestätigte auf KI-Nachfrage die Force Majeure auf die PUR-Komponente seit dem 17. November 2021. Ursache sind dem Vernehmen nach technische Probleme, die mit der während der Wartung durchgeführten Erweiterung der Anlage zu tun haben könnten.

Apparently, the isocyanate producer BorsodChem (Kazincbarcika / Hungary) has greater difficulties with MDI production at the Hungarian site Kazincbarcika. On AI request, the company confirmed the force majeure on the PUR component since November 17, 2021, due to technical problems that could have to do with the expansion of the plant carried out during maintenance.

Der börsennotierte BorsodChem-Mutterkonzern Wanhua Chemical (Yantai,Shandong / China; hatte zwar im Zuge der turnusgemäßen Wartung der ungarischen MDI-Anlage bereits am 20. Oktober verkündet, die Wartung sei abgeschlossen und die normale Produktion wieder aufgenommen worden. In den vergangenen vier Wochen mehrten sich jedoch die Anzeichen dafür, dass die Anlage nicht so normal lief, wie die Meldung an der Shanghaier Börse es hatte vermuten lassen.

The listed BorsodChem parent company Wanhua Chemical (Yantai, Shandong / China; had already announced on October 20 that maintenance had been completed and normal production resumed in the course of the regular maintenance of the Hungarian MDI plant. In the past four weeks, however, there have been increasing signs that the investment was not running as normally as the news on the Shanghai Stock Exchange had suggested.

November 19, 2021

Dear Valued Customer:

Effective January 1, 2022, or as contracts allow, Stepan will increase the price for STEPANPOL®
and TERATE® Rigid Polyester Polyols used in the Americas by $0.09 per pound. This increase is
necessary due to the continued rapid inflation in costs associated with raw materials, manufacturing,
energy, labor, and transportation.

Due to the magnitude of cost increases in flame retardants, all STEPANPOL® and TERATE®
products containing flame retardant will increase by an additional $.19 per pound for a total of $.28
per pound.

We appreciate your support and value your continued business. Your Stepan sales representative
will be in contact with you to address any questions or concerns.

November 19, 2021

Dear Valued Customer:

Effective January 1, 2022, or as contracts allow, Stepan will increase the price for STEPANPOL®
and TERATE® Rigid Polyester Polyols used in the Americas by $0.09 per pound. This increase is
necessary due to the continued rapid inflation in costs associated with raw materials, manufacturing,
energy, labor, and transportation.

Due to the magnitude of cost increases in flame retardants, all STEPANPOL® and TERATE®
products containing flame retardant will increase by an additional $.19 per pound for a total of $.28
per pound.

We appreciate your support and value your continued business. Your Stepan sales representative
will be in contact with you to address any questions or concerns.